+61 (0)438 512 469

D9 can help your processes become “faster, better, lower cost and safer”.  Many projects deliver on all of these goals, but usually projects get initiated to achieve one of these as a key deliverable

If you would like to learn more about these projects and achieve similar results in your business
Email to make contact

Here are some examples of completed projects;

Faster – reduced lead times

Problem statement; As of September 2012 a spool manufacturer was required to supply 23,300 Spools by Jun 2013. Based on the current run-rate of 197 spools per week the spools manufacturer is forecasted to complete the full order of 23,300 Spools in Apr 2014, an estimated 10 months behind schedule
As the spool manufacturer was on the critical path for the LNG construction project, the delayed spools were a critical risk to first-gas target date

Tools used; Value Stream Mapping, Measurement System Analysis, Standard Operating Procedures

VRI project presentation Spool Throughput 2013 from D9 Process Improvement

5 – Day Kaizen Event focusing on AR Changeover to:
– Lead time reduction
– Cycle time reduction
– Improve workflow
– WIP reduction
– Improve ergonomics, housekeeping & safety
– Clear SOPs & training materials

– 81% Lead time reduction
– 37% Cycle time reduction
– 80% WIP reduction

Kaizen Blitz multicoat loading area April 2005 from D9 Process Improvement

Lower Cost


Kaizen Blitz AR coating set up reduction-October 2005

3 – Day Kaizen Event focusing on AR Changeover to:
– Changeover time reduction
– Increased machine productivity, run time
– Improve cell organization
– Improve ergonomics & safety
– Clear SOPs & training materials

Achieved AUD$220,000 annual savings

Kaizen Blitz AR coating set up reduction-October 2005 from D9 Process Improvement


Kaizen Blitz 5S salvagnini Nov 2011 from D9 Process Improvement

Kaizen Blitz Projects line packing Aug 2011 from D9 Process Improvement

Kaizen Blitz Paint shop layout Jul 2011 from D9 Process Improvement